Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Yesterday was such a fun day. Dennis's best friend, and lead singer of their band, got married to his partner Danielle. It was also their son Blake's first birthday (which I knit Blake's Birthday Bloomers for). It was a laid-back affair, but it was nice. Dennis started cooking at noon on Friday, and didn't stop until about 2pm yesterday afternoon (with a little break for sleep on Fri night). He and the groom, Jeremiah, did pretty much all of the cooking - and was very pleased to hear that many people (including a country club owner) asked them where they had the food catered!

Since I can't cook, I baked 4 batches of the vegan cupcakes (when I got a turn at the oven!) - they came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

The ceremony was done by a celtic minister - and it was a "Handfasting" ceremony. It was beautiful, spiritual and non-denominational. And they included the whole family. They had a cake for Blake's birthday, and Alexa ( Danielle's 4 yr old daughter) wore a beautiful crown of roses.

Afterwards, there was a show. Several punk bands (including Dennis's) played. It was a long day - but a fun one that went off with a hitch!

Congrats Jeremiah and Danielle - we love you both!

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